I was thinking recently in conjunction with one of the weekly calls that I participate with, what does it take to make a leap of faith? To step out? To jump in the cold icy waters of the unknown?
Well of course it takes courage. It takes bravery to make action. And if you are one of those people who jump into an icy lake or pool during the winter – it takes just a little crazy too!
So then, what does it take to have courage or be brave? My first thought is – it takes something that scares the pants off you first. It takes fear to be courageous! Maybe the saying “There is nothing to fear…” isn’t entirely accurate. Without fear we have no bravery or courage… true story.
Check out the definition:
cour·age (noun)
the ability to do something that frightens one.
“she called on all her courage to face the ordeal”
strength in the face of pain or grief.
“he fought his illness with great courage”
synonyms: bravery, courageousness, pluck, pluckiness, valor, fearlessness, intrepidity, nerve, daring, audacity, boldness, grit, true grit, hardihood, heroism, gallantry; More
brav·er·y (noun)
courageous behavior or character.
synonyms: courage, valor, intrepidity, nerve, daring, fearlessness, audacity, boldness, dauntlessness, stoutheartedness, heroism; More
Oh, I love the synonyms! Pluck! Nerve! Audacity! Heroism! Even bravery brings us right back to courage – AND we have to have fear, pain or grief in order to have courage…We can’t have courage unloading the dishwasher or taking the dog for a walk. We can’t have courage eating our same ole same comfort food. We can’t have courage to never pick up the phone. We can’t have courage sitting at home watching television…(well maybe, some of the shows are pretty terrible these days)
But it does take courage to fight off a bear attacking a child! It takes courage to run into burning buildings as firemen do each day. Or put your life on the line to uphold peace and justice as police officers do each day. It takes courage to speak out and stand with someone who is being bullied. It takes courage to pick up the phone to call a loved one and say we are sorry, or to make the first sales call we’ve made in months or years. It takes courage to be our best true selves sometimes.
So what is it that you are currently fearing? in life or in business… ? Good job, I know you picked something. We all have a little fear in our lives. So let’s have the courage… together… to fear something!
Lets make it ok to be afraid, there is nothing wrong with it. Because we are going to take it and transform it into something beautiful.
COURAGE!!!!!! (can you hear my battle cry!??!)
Next week we will continue talking about courage and fear.
Till then what is it that you are currently fearing? Tell us what action it is inspiring you to take?
Much success!!
Have an outstanding day!